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New regulations granting a cash refund on products

By the power of new regulations consumers are now able to revoke transactions to purchase a wide array of products and services, unilaterally and without a reason, and get their money back.
According to the new regulations, the right to receive a cash refund (as opposed to store credit) will apply to different products such as furniture, home and garden equipment, electrical appliances, clothing and footwear, packaged products that have not been opened after purchase and more. Regarding services- the right to a cash refund is meant to apply to internal tourism services, cosmetic and aesthetic services, different communications services (cable, satellite, mobile communication), different subscriptions and more.
The regulations state the time period in which the transaction may be revoked. Usually the time period is 14 days from the day the transaction was made or the product was received, but in some cases, like when purchasing clothing and footwear, a shorter revoking period was set, of only three days.
The regulations will also apply to products and services given as gifts to the consumer, by someone other than the trader.           The regulations further state a list of products that these rights will not apply to such as furniture that was assembled in the consumer's home, products that were custom made for the consumer, food stuffs, medicine, dietary supplements, undergarments, jewelry bought at a sum higher than 3,000 N.I.S and more.
In order for the right to revoke a transaction to be realized  by the consumer, a number of terms must apply: The value of the product must be at least 50  N.I.S, the product must be returned to the store, the product must be undamaged and unused by the consumer.
The Consumer Council's CEO Adv. Ehud Peleg notes:
The regulations to revoke a transaction allow consumers not only the liberty to regret a purchase but also strengthen their stand. When business owners know that consumers are no longer held captive in their hands, they will put more thought into good service and fairness toward them. 

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The Israel Consumer Council is the largest consumer organization in Israel. It is a statutory, non-profit corporation which works to defend consumers and protect their rights, by handling complaints, seeking solutions to wrongs done to consumers, and through education, enforcement and deterrence, and promotion of consumer rights.